County Asked to Post 35 MPH Speed Limit on Johnsons Chapel Road

June 19, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

Motorists on Johnsons Chapel Road may want to watch their speed.

During Monday night’s monthly meeting, the county commission may consider establishing a 35 mile per hour speed limit on the road.

Under state law, the speed limit on any county road is 55 miles per hour unless the county commission acts to change it.

A concerned resident on Johnson’s Chapel Road recently contacted both fifth district commissioners, Jerry Adcock and Anita Puckett to make the request.

“This guy called me a couple of days ago and said he had a petition. When he called me the first time, I told him we don’t like doing this (establishing speed limits) but I said you need to get a petition and get a majority of the people on the road to sign it. He had told me that he had been mowing on the edge of the yard and that cars had almost hit him including some with boats,” said Adcock during Thursday night’s all committees meeting of the county commission.

The county commission has set speed limits on other county roads before but some say it is difficult to enforce with limited manpower from law enforcement agencies.

The county commission will meet Monday night, June 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the downstairs courtroom of the courthouse.

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