County Clerk’s Office Continues the Trend of Generating More Revenue to the County

July 28, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

Revenues to the county generated through the County Clerk’s Office have increased within the last five years due partly to additional services offered.

“Since the end of the 2014 fiscal year, our office has seen significant growth in total revenues receipted, services provided, and transactions completed. Our 2019 fiscal year-end report for total annual receipts is $1,834,038.60. The total average increase is $415,425.90 compared to fiscal year-end 2015 and 2016,” said County Clerk James L. (Jimmy) Poss.

“We have closed two consecutive fiscal years, ending 2017 and 2018 with additional increases averaging $292,887.03 in growth of total receipts. By the end of fiscal year 2017, the revenues were up by $213,625.38 and in 2018 we closed the year with an increase of $158,523.30 over and above the growth the year before. This fiscal year-ending 2019, we are up another $54,416.12 with total annual receipts accounting for $1,834,038.60,” Poss continued.

“Looking at title production alone, we show continuous and significant increases from 2014. In 2013 prior to beginning my first term, the office completed 2,897 titles producing $21,728 in title revenue. Since 2014 those numbers have grown significantly each year and for the last two consecutive years we have averaged 12,211 titles each year producing revenue on average of $98,852.50 for those two consecutive years in title fees. This growth is up an average of $77,124.50 annually in titles alone,” added Poss.

“Our excess fee collection from the fiscal year ending 2013 through the end of the 2019 fiscal year totals $1,179,629.94”.

“These fees have also increased and performed better than annual yearly projections, averaging $180,732.97 in 2018 and 2019 compared to the average of $147,045.50 collected in 2012 and 2013,” said County Clerk Poss.

“In summary, the County Clerk’s Office is providing a significant number of additional services since 2014 and these services have accounted for several thousand new transactions annually resulting in an increase in yearly receipts and revenue,” added Poss.

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