County Commission Pays Tribute to Eagle Scout Thomas Webb

July 24, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

The DeKalb County Commission Monday night adopted a resolution to honor Eagle Scout Thomas Webb.

Webb constructed a 20’ x 30’ pavilion to be used as an outdoor classroom for Northside Elementary School as his Eagle Scout project.

County Mayor Tim Stribling read the resolution “Whereas, it is fitting that the DeKalb County Commission and the DeKalb County Mayor should announce their respect and honor in the young people of our community who so capably fulfull their requirements and duties to reach lofty goals and levels of achievement.

Whereas, Thomas Webb performed all the years of tasks to earn the highest honor bestowed by the Boy Scouts. Thomas Webb has climbed to a level in Scouting reached by very few and earned the Eagle Award.

Whereas, the DeKalb County Commission and County Mayor wish to thank Eagle Scout Thomas Webb, his family, fellow Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Volunteers who helped Thomas complete his project.

Whereas, Thomas Webb constructed a 20’ x 30’ pavilion to be used as an outdoor classroom for Northside Elementary School. It consists of a concrete floor, wood frame, and a sheet metal roof. The outdoor classroom will provide an alternate learning environment that will engage students while making their learning experiences more exciting and growing their appreciation for the Boy Scouts.

Whereas, Thomas Webb passed his Eagle Board of Review February 17, 2018

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the DeKalb County Commission and DeKalb County Mayor that July 23, 2018 is officially named Thomas Webb Day.

Be it further resolved that this accomplishment be spread across the record of this meeting and preserved as a lasting part of our appreciation to Eagle Scout Thomas Webb”.

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