County Mayor Announces Promotion of Longtime Paramedic to Assistant DeKalb EMS Director Position

January 7, 2023
By: Dwayne Page

An assistant EMS Director has been named at the DeKalb County Ambulance Service to work alongside Director Hoyte Hale.

County Mayor Matt Adcock announced Friday that longtime EMS employee Trent Phipps is getting this promotion.

“Today, Trent Phipps, a paramedic at the DeKalb County Ambulance Service was promoted to the position of Assistant Director. With the new large call volume and demand from the public, EMS Director Hoyte Hale and I decided the DeKalb EMS operation needed an Assistant Director to ensure the public is served in the best capacity,” said County Mayor Adcock.

“Trent has served DeKalb EMS for the last 25 years. He has always been Hoyte’s “go to guy” and was often referred to as the “unofficial assistant director”. Today that has all changed. We have finally brought him forward as our new official EMS Assistant,” said County Mayor Adcock.

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