DCHS Planning Special Needs Prom

March 23, 2023
By: Dwayne Page

DeKalb County High School is making plans for this year’s “Blast from the Past” special needs prom to be hosted by the DCHS Service Society May 5th.

Sponsors are needed to help support the event

“We need sponsors for our special needs prom. The money we raise will be used to feed the students a full meal, buy plates and utensils, buy each honored guest a crown or tiara, and decorate the cafeteria where the prom will be held,” said Sara Young, Mathematics Instructor and Service Society Sponsor.

For more information contact Sara Young at sarayoung@dekalbschools.net or Amee Cantrell at ameecantrell@dekalbschools.net. Checks may be made to the DCHS Service Society

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