January 24, 2020
By: Dwayne Page
DeKalb County High School basketball fans will be treated to a blast from the past on Saturday night, January 25th as former high school basketball players return for the 2nd annual alumni games at the DCHS gym.
The Lady Tigers Alumni game starts at 6 p.m. followed by the Tigers Alumni game.
Admission is $5.00 at the door and concessions will be available.
For more information contact any of the following:
Danny Fish-865-742-4079
Shea Colwell-615-417-7456
Julie Cook-615-653-2272
John Sanders-615-489-7253
Kelly Agee-615-684-2553
Mike/Tara Hale-615-464-7336
Mindy Griffith-615-464-5551