DeKalb Commission to Consider Passage of Resolution in Support of Second Amendment

June 19, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

Supporting second amendment rights may be up for discussion by the county commission Monday night.

A symbolic resolution will be considered for passage by the commission declaring the county’s support of the second amendment of the United States Constitution.

Sixth district commissioner Matt Adcock is asking that the resolution be approved by the commission. Local resident James Bond is also backing the move.

The resolution basically says that the county opposes any state or federal legislation that would infringe upon second amendment gun ownership rights. But it has no legal effect on changing laws because the county commission has no authority to enact legislation concerning firearms.

“We could not stop the federal government from banning anything. All we would be saying is we are in opposition to and disagree with any state or federal legislation that would infringe on our rights to keep and bear arms protected under the US Constitution by the second amendment,” said Matt Adcock during Thursday night’s all committees work session of the county commission.

“This is not saying DeKalb County is going to defy the federal government. What this says is DeKalb County is pro second amendment and pro me legally defending myself with legal firearms or for hunting,” said Bond.

“Will this resolution be used as propaganda? I am very uncomfortable with this and to me it reads like we as a body, if we approve it, are saying that we oppose any kind of legislation that would put restrictions on gun ownership. There are lots of things, common sense gun laws, I might support,” said seventh district commissioner Beth Pafford.

The county commission will meet Monday, June 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the downstairs courtroom of the courthouse.

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