June 15, 2020
The DeKalb County Libraries will re-open to the public on Wednesday, June 17th by appointment only. There will be safety guidelines that are to be followed by the library and the public as mandated by the CDC, State and Federal Government on the COVID-19 Pandemic. These guidelines are being implemented to insure the safety and well-being of the community and our library staff and are subject to change depending upon the current health situation and regulations. We want to work with the public in providing as many services as possible in a safe and welcoming environment.
This is a list of the guidelines that have to be followed in order for the libraries to re-open to the public.
The patron will need to call and schedule an appointment time to enter the library. The appropriate amount of time will be allotted for their visit depending on the service that the patron requires.
The public can only enter Justin Potter Library from the side door next to the City Hall for their appointment. The front door is for Curb Side service only.
The computer usage is limited to a one hour session per day. The first priority will be for those needing to apply for jobs, school work, census, unemployment sign up. There will only be three computers available for use in order to keep social distancing. The computer keyboard and mouse will be cleaned between patron visits. One on one assistance is not available during this time. Wi-Fi is available outside the building 24/7.
Patrons will have an allotted amount of time to check out books and movies. There will be a limited number of people allowed in the library at one time. This way we can accommodate as many people as possible each day in a safe environment. All returned items need to be placed in the outside book drop before you enter the library. We will not accept returned items inside the library. Returned items will be quarantined for 72 hours before being checked out again.
Please help keep everyone inside safe by wearing a mask, having your temperature taken and honor social distancing when you enter the library. There will be hand sanitizer available for use by the door. Please stay home if you are ill or running a fever.
The library will continue to provide curbside service with printing and faxing to those who are not able to meet these safety guidelines or that are concerned about entering the library. There may be parts of the library that have limited access due to the availability of cleaning supplies. These areas would need to be cleaned after each visit.
Library staff have missed everyone and look forward to welcoming our patrons back into the library. We appreciate the public’s understanding and co-operation during this stage of the libraries re-opening process. For further information call Justin Potter Library at 615-597-4359 or Alexandria Library at 615-529-4124, visit us on Facebook or our website at www.dekalblibraries.net.