DeKalb Fire Department’s First Female Officer Receives Honorary Lifetime Membership

January 23, 2023
By: Dwayne Page

The DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department’s first female officer has been honored with the 2022 Town & Lake Realty Honorary Lifetime Membership Award.

Lieutenant Kristie Johnson received the award during Saturday’s annual department banquet. Wilson Bank & Trust was the headlining sponsor. Johnson was named Lieutenant in 2019.

Each year, the Department’s Executive Committee accepts and reviews applications for Honorary Lifetime Memberships. This is a very distinguished award and recipients are selected by the Department’s Executive Committee based on strict merits of their service and contributions to the department.

Jeff Williams, a previously awarded Honorary Lifetime Member presented this year’s award.

“Lt. Kristie Johnson has served as a firefighter, station commander, Safety Officer and Lieutenant for a cumulative total of 13 years. She has provided the following significant contributions during her time on the Department:

•Active with planning, organizing, and working at department fundraisers,

•Served on many committees, including: Banquet Committee, Recruitment & Retention Committee, and Special Events Committee,

•Since 2009, provided numerous Emergency Medical Responder courses at no cost to the Department,

•Provided CPR certification/re-certification courses to members of the Department and the general public at no cost, and

•Has been actively involved with the Smoke Alarm Installation Program.

In June 2022, the DeKalb County Fire Department’s Executive Committee reviewed and approved Lt. Johnson’s application for Honorary Lifetime Membership.

This evening, we are honored to officially present Lt. Kristie Johnson with her DeKalb County Fire Department Honorary Lifetime Membership, sponsored by Town & Lake Realty. As you can see, Lt. Kristie has served in a very honorable and dedicated manner,” said Williams.

Meanwhile Lieutenant Blake Cantrell and Steve Abell of Walmart presented the 2022 Walmart 5 Year Length of Service Firefighter Awards to Kim Cantrell, Luke Green, and Jacob Parker.

2022 Walmart 15 Year Length of Service Firefighter Award Recipients were Donnie Johnson and Shawn Puckett.

Meanwhile, 42 firefighters were presented the 2022 Safe Industries Training Achievement Awards. Safe Industries is a Tennessee fire equipment and apparatus vendor. These awards go to firefighters who excelled participating in monthly training drills. There are two levels of awards: 75% training attendance and 100% training attendance.

Lieutenant Dusty Johnson made the presentations.

Members achieving 100% training attendance were Matt Adcock, Anthony Boyd, Bill Brown, Blake Cantrell, Kim Cantrell, Donny Green, Luke Green, Alyssa Harvey, Andrew Harvey, Christina Hovey, Kyle Hovey, Dustin Johnson, Heather Lader, Jordan Lader, Will Odom, Matt Olson, Andy Pack, Billy Parker, Cheyenne Phalin, Steven Phalin, Shawn Puckett, Steve Repasy, Frank Rodegeb, Robert Sartin, Anthony Scott, and Alex Woodward.

Members with 75% training attendance were Justin Bass, Chris Bates, Dan Bradam, Neal Caldwell, Joshua Davis, Keith Elkins, Donnie Johnson, Kristie Johnson, Steven Lawrence, Cynthia Nixon, Brent Reed, Brittany Reed, Eric Snow, Robert Sutton, Calvin Tramel, and Brian Williams.

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