October 9, 2021
By: Dwayne Page
The DeKalb County School District reported 17 positive cases of COVID on Friday, October 8, which is up from 8 on Friday, October 1.
The district reported 12 positive cases on Monday, October 4 compared to 7 the previous Monday September 27.
The number of those under quarantine on Monday, October 4 was 33, down from 41 on Monday, September 27. By Friday, October 8 the number was 46 compared to 47 the previous Friday, October 1.
According to Attendance Supervisor Joey Reeder, the DeKalb School District reported 12 positive cases on Monday, October 4 with the numbers at each school as follows: DeKalb Middle School 5, DCHS 3, Northside Elementary 2, Smithville Elementary 2, and DeKalb West School 0. By Friday, October 8 the numbers at each school were as follows: DCHS 6, DeKalb Middle School 4, Smithville Elementary 4, Northside Elementary 3, and DeKalb West School at 0 for a total of 17.
The number of those under quarantine district-wide was at 33 on Monday, October 4. The numbers at each school were: Northside Elementary 9, DeKalb West 8, DCHS 8, Smithville Elementary 5, and DeKalb Middle School 3 . By Friday, October 8 the numbers were: DeKalb West School 12, Northside Elementary 11, DCHS 9, Smithville Elementary 9, and DeKalb Middle School 5 for a total of 46.