DeKalb Volunteer Fire Department Conducting Community Household Surveys (VIEW VIDEO HERE)

January 21, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

The DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department is applying for a 2019 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to purchase fire equipment (tanker) for the county wide volunteer fire department. Part of the application process includes conducting community household surveys with randomly selected addresses in the areas served by DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department (all areas of DeKalb County outside the city limits of Smithville and Alexandria).

“The county gets to select a project to apply for through the CDBG program each year and this year we will be applying for fire equipment and specifically our project is to add another tanker. We only have one tanker in the county. With the barriers and obstacles we have with water supply because we don’t have a lot of hydrants out in the county we really do have a dire need for another way to get water to the fire scenes in the rural parts of the county. Part of the application process is that we have to do these community household surveys. We are doing them by telephone and in person,” said County Fire Chief Donny Green.

IMG_4033 from dwayne page on Vimeo.

The survey process takes less than 3 minutes and all information will be secure and not used for any other purposes.

“We want to make sure our residents understand that these surveys are legitimate and necessary for us to submit this grant application. We would greatly appreciate cooperation from those who are selected for a survey. The surveys will be conducted by telephone or personal visits. All surveys will be completed by DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department personnel who will be able to provide identification proving they are members of the DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department. Anyone can also feel free to contact me at 615-464-7176 if they have any questions or concerns,” said Chief Green.

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