Director of Schools Gets One Year Contract Extension (View video here)

May 23, 2022
By: Dwayne Page

Based on overall high marks given by the Board of Education in a recent performance evaluation, Director of Schools Patrick Cripps has been awarded a one-year contract extension.

During Monday night’s regular monthly meeting, the Board voted 6-0 to grant the extension. Those voting in favor were Chairman Shaun Tubbs, Vice Chairman Jim Beshearse, and fellow members Danny Parkerson, Kate Miller, Alan Hayes and Jamie Cripps. Jason Miller was absent.

Cripps’ annual salary will remain at $98,000 but he will be entitled to the same salary raises that the Board shall grant to all licensed employees going forward.

Cripps’ contract was to run through June 30, 2023, but with the one-year extension, he will now serve as Director at least through June 30, 2024. Cripps has been Director since July, 2015.

Results of the Board of Education’s annual performance evaluation of Director Cripps show he is meeting “most” expectations of the board.

Cripps’ overall average score is 4.40 out of a possible 6 score.

In accordance with state law, the school board is required to develop and implement an evaluation plan to be used annually for the director of schools. Board members used a four page evaluation form to rate Director Cripps (1-6) in each of 60 areas from eight categories including on his relationship with the Board, the Community, Staff and Personnel, Educational Leadership, Business and Finance, Personal Qualities, Strategic Planning Skills, and Tennessee Specific questions.

A rating of “1” meant his performance was “Consistently Below Expectations”. A “5” rating signified that Cripps “Met All Expectations”. A rating with an asterisk (*) symbol or 6 meant he “Exceeded Expectations”.

Other ratings were:

“2”-Meets Few Expectations

“3”-Meets Some Expectations

“4”-Meets Most Expectations

Each board member scored Cripps in all areas from the categories on the form. The scores were then averaged to arrive at the grand total score. The completed forms were sent to officials of the Tennessee School Boards Association where the scores were tabulated and averaged.

In the overall evaluation report, Cripps scored highest (4.70) in “board relationships”. He scored lowest (3.96) in “Tennessee specific questions”.

A breakdown of Cripps’ scores in the eight goals evaluation were:
Performance Goal Average

Board Relationships

Community Relationships

Staff and Personnel Relationships

Educational Leadership

Business and Finance

Personal Qualities

Strategic Planning Skills

Tennessee Specific Questions

Grand Total Average

in other business, Director Cripps gave his monthly report on personnel.

Michael Merriman has been employed for ISS at DCHS/DMS

Employees granted a leave of absence as requested are Nancy Cowan; Ana Jarvis, Kenzie Morris, Josh Odom, Gabby Robinson, and Jalene Vanatta.

Employees who have resigned or retired are as follows:

Martha Damron, teacher at DWS, resigned

Debbie Eaton, educational assistant at DCHS, retired

Regina Estes, receptionist at DCHS, retired

Janine Morgan, teacher at SES, retired

Tony Poss, bus driver, resigned

Corey Rathbone, teacher at DCHS, resigned

Dalton Stallings, ISS, DCHS/DMS, resigned

Jalene Vanatta, teacher at DWS, retired

Vicki Wilson, teacher at DWS, retired

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