Election Commission Announces COVID-19 Safety Procedures with Early Voting Set to Begin Friday

July 15, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

DeKalb County voters will see some COVID-19 related changes during early voting and on election day.

“Policies and procedures have been put in place by the election commission to ensure the safety of our workers and voters due to COVID-19,” said Dennis Stanley, Administrator of Elections, and Walteen Parker, Chairman of the DeKalb County Election Commission.

“Masks, face shields, gloves and sneeze guards will be provided the election workers,” according to Stanley and Parker, and voters are encouraged to do their part. This includes wearing a face covering and maintaining a six-foot distance from poll officials and others. Voters should expect to see signs with further safety instructions at their polling locations. All poll officials have been instructed to wear face coverings and have been trained to take appropriate protective measures.

Early voting begins Friday, July 17 through Saturday, August 1 in the first floor courtroom of the DeKalb County Courthouse. Hours for early voting are Mondays 1-5 p.m.; Tuesdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Wednesdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Thursdays 2-6 p.m.; Fridays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Election day voting at all 15 precincts will be from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 6.

“Policies are in place to cut down on items being touched by multiple people,” said Stanley. “In addition, hand sanitizer, soap and paper towels will be provided the workers at every precinct.”

For example, “Voters will be asked, via personnel or signage, to pick up a pen that they can keep with them through the entire process,” said Chairman Parker. “Those pens can be used to sign in and used at the voting machine (as a stylus). They can keep the pen and take it home with them, but if they choose not to, we will have a box they can drop it into and the pen can be properly cleaned and used again.”

In addition, Stanley said “a very limited number of gloves, masks and faceshields will be available to voters who want to use them. The gloves can also be used at the voting machines (and Q-tips may also be available as a stylus.)

“We are really concerned about protecting our election workers because they will be exposed to all voters who come into the facilities,” added Parker. It is important that voters read and observe the instructions on signs or relayed verbally to them by an election official. This will make the process smoother and safer for everyone.”

“Early voting provides voters the opportunity to avoid election-day crowds,” said Stanley. “Early voting also offers the flexibility of late afternoon and Saturday morning hours.”

DeKalb County voters can find early voting and Election Day polling locations, view and mark sample ballots and much more with the GoVoteTN app or online at GoVoteTN.com. You can download the GoVoteTN app for free in the App Store or Google Play. Reviewing your sample ballot and deciding how you will vote will reduce your time at the polls.

Voters who have moved within DeKalb County or have had a name change since the last time they voted can update their registration online at GoVoteTN.com. By making sure your registration is up to date, you can shorten the time you will need to spend at your polling location.

Anyone voting early or on Election Day should remember to bring valid photo identification with them to the polls. A driver’s license or photo ID issued by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security, by Tennessee state government or by the federal government are acceptable even if they are expired. College student IDs are not acceptable. More information about what types of ID are acceptable can be found on GoVoteTN.com.

For more information about early voting in DeKalb County call 615-597-4146 or visit www.dekalbelections.com.

(Click link below to view ballot)

Local voters will make their choice in one contested county-wide election, one contested school board race, a contested Smithville Municipal Election and in the state Republican or Democratic primaries. There are uncontested races for constable, another school board seat, the mayor and two aldermen in Dowelltown and for aldermen seats in Alexandria. In addition, there is an uncontested race for Criminal Court Judge Part II District 13.

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