Florence & White Ford and Ford Motor Company Help Raise Money for DCHS Tigerette Softball

March 8, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

DCHS Tigerette softball fans helped raise funds for the program Saturday at the high school by test driving a new Ford vehicle from Florence & White Ford.

Through the annual “Ford Drive 4 UR School” program, the Ford Motor Company donates $20 to the school for every test-drive taken for a total of up to $6,000. Florence & White Ford had several new Ford cars and pickup trucks available to test drive for the fundraiser.

DCHS Tigerette Coach Danny Fish and Jimmy White of Florence & White Ford from dwayne page on Vimeo.

“This is a great community sponsorship for us. We were trying to get 300 people to sign up today (Saturday) so we could get maximum dollars from Ford and we are happy to have everyone from Florence & White Ford here to help us with this sponsorship,” said Tigerette Coach Danny Fish.

“The way this works is people come by, hop in a car or truck, and take a test drive. There is no pressure. We don’t try to sell anything. You just register and take a test drive and when you finish you post register. Its that simple and the school gets money. It’s a good event for the community and everyone helps out. It’s great,” said Jimmy White of Florence & White Ford.

“These funds go a long way especially in softball which is a smaller program and lower revenue generating sport. This really helps us out in a big way,” added Coach Fish.

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