Florence & White Ford Presents $6,000 Check to DCHS Tigerette Softball Program

April 21, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

The DCHS Tigerette Softball Program received a check today (Tuesday) from Florence & White Ford of Smithville in the amount $6,000.

The check was presented to DCHS Softball Coach Danny Fish by Jimmy White of Florence & White Ford. The funds were raised in a Ford Test Drive Event held in March.

For every person who test drove a new Ford vehicle the Ford Motor Company donated $20 up to a maximum of $6,000 total for the girls softball program.

“The “Ford Drive 4 UR School” fundraiser was very successful and we would like to thank everyone who came out to help us in this event and a special thanks to Florence & White Ford. We were able to earn the maximum amount of money ($6,000) through this fundraiser but it could not have happened without the support of Florence & White and the DeKalb County community because these people (community) are the ones who came out to test drive vehicles to get these Tigerettes some money,” said Coach Fish.

The funds will go to buy necessary equipment.

“We’ll put this money back into the program. We have facility needs and this will help with that. We have been blessed with our booster club. They have raised a lot of money for our kids. We were not able to show them off this year but through our fundraisers we were able to finish up our hitting facility and add uniforms,” Coach Fish continued.

Sadly, the 2020 DCHS softball season had to be cancelled due to COVID-19.

“We had to cancel our season which was very disappointing for us and especially our three seniors Kenzie France, Emme Colwell, and Megan Walker. We just hope this will all go away (coronavirus) and we can get back to business as usual but this fundraiser was a ray of sunshine for us in the meantime with our community coming together in our time of need,” said Coach Fish.

“We were happy to be a part of this fundraiser and we really thank the people for coming out. The coach and parents did a fantastic job. They really put this whole thing together. With everything that is going on (COVID-19) being able to put this money in the bank and have it in the coffers for times coming up is something positive for the softball program,” said Jimmy White of Florence & White Ford.

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