Former Law Enforcement Officer Gets Five Year Sentence for Sex Crimes Involving a Minor

July 1, 2024
By: Dwayne Page

A former law enforcement officer in DeKalb and other counties indicted in December 2022 on sex crimes involving a minor appeared for sentencing Monday, July 1 in Criminal Court.

41-year-old Dustin James Farris, indicted for solicitation of a minor by electronic means, sexual exploitation of a minor (2 counts), and sexual contact with a minor by an authority figure, entered a plea to the following: criminal attempt for solicitation of a minor (1 count) and 2 counts of sexual exposure of a minor. Farris received a total sentence of 5 years to serve at 100% as a range 1 offender and he must register as a sexual offender. Farris must have no contact with the victim in this case. He was fined a total of $600.

A special called session of the DeKalb County Grand Jury met in December 2022, heard testimony against Farris, and found probable cause to indict him. A sealed indictment was returned against Farris at that time by the Grand Jury.

Farris’ latest employment at the time of the indictment was with the Overton County Sheriff’s Department where he served as a School Resource Officer. He had also formerly been employed as an officer in recent years by the DeKalb, White, Putnam, and Cannon County Sheriff’s Departments as well as a Child Support Investigator in the 13th Judicial District.

Count 1 of the indictment alleged that “between the dates of May 31, 2022 and July 24, 2022 in DeKalb County, Farris did unlawfully by means of oral, written, or electronic communication, electronic mail or Internet service, including webcam communications, directly or through another, to intentionally command, hire, persuade, induce, or cause a minor to engage in simulated sexual activity that is patently offensive or in sexual activity, where such simulated sexual activity or sexual activity is observed by that person or another and that Farris is 18 years of age or older (than the victim)”

Counts 2 & 3 of the indictment alleged that “between the dates of May 31, 2022 and July 24, 2022 in DeKalb County, Farris did unlawfully display to a minor, or expose a minor to, any material containing simulated sexual activity that is patently offensive or sexual activity if the purpose of the display can reasonably be construed as being for the sexual arousal or gratification of the minor or the person displaying the material”.

Count 4 of the indictment alleged that “between the dates of May 31, 2022 and July 24, 2022 in DeKalb County, Farris engaged in unlawful sexual contact with a minor when the defendant at the time of the offense was in a position of trust or had supervisory or disciplinary power over the minor by virtue of the defendant’s legal, professional, or occupational status and used the position of trust or power to accomplish the sexual contact. The defendant intentionally touched or kissed the minor’s lips with the defendant’s lips and such touching can be reasonably construed as being for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification”.

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