Leaders of the DCHS Class of 2022 looking forward to graduation

April 8, 2022
By: Dwayne Page

The Class of 2022 at DeKalb County High School will be graduating on May 13 and none are more excited than three of its most prestigious members, Valedictorian Bella France, Salutatorian Jacey Hatfield, and Class President Ian Paladino.

The talented trio sat down with WJLE for an interview this week about their years at DCHS and what’s ahead for them after high school.

Click on the link below to view the senior formals.


After some disruptions due to the pandemic during the previous two years, France said this year was much more normal.

“This has been the most normal year we have had besides our freshman year. Our sophomore year we had to leave in March or April (due to COVID) and last year we were transitioning from remote learning to in-school learning throughout the year so this year has been pretty normal for us. We have been able to have a pretty good senior year,” said France.

Hatfield said having mostly a new high school administration this year has also been a pleasant experience.

“Not only has it been normal, but with our new principal and new people in charge it has been so much fun. They have gone out of their way to give us every opportunity to have fun and be together more. Every single sport had a special week this year. It was not just football homecoming week, it was basketball homecoming week too. We also had a spring sports homecoming week. Everybody has been recognized. We have done plenty of stuff to have fun. That’s been great,” said Hatfield.

“They (administration) have given us opportunities to be in the community like we’re doing the Easter egg hunt this week where we get to go to the elementary schools and have fun with the kids in the communities. We do pep rallies all the time and other fun stuff. We have also had a chance to have a voice in our community like a couple of months ago when that whole thing happened (over yearbook student quotes) we got to go (school board meeting) and be a voice. We were pleased with how that issue got resolved and its pretty much back to normal,” added Paladino.

Asked about his role as Class President, Paladino said its an honor but mostly symbolic. “Its more of a title, not a job but especially during homecoming week that is a very busy time and whenever there is a big event, that is when I have to do stuff. Other than that I just represent the class in some ways,” he said.

As Class President and Valedictorian, both Paladino and France will be addressing their fellow classmates on graduation night. France said while its an honor to have earned the distinction of Valedictorian, it is something she had not expected.

“It was honestly a surprise to me. I knew I had worked hard but I hadn’t realized I had worked that hard. The entire time I thought I was in the top twenty and I was satisfied with that but at no time did I think that I would be Valedictorian but it is very honoring,” said France.

Hatfield feels the same way about being the Class Salutatorian.

“It was really surprising. I thought there were many other students that were just as worthy as me but to be named salutatorian is an honor,” she said.

The trio also talked about their studies and interests over the past four years.

“I am involved in many clubs and I have been a cheerleader for four years. I have also done things like community service but I have always put academics first and tried to be the best I can be in my education,” said France.

“I have played softball all four years. That is a huge commitment and in some ways I’ve had to put some stuff on the back burner because of my commitment to sports and my academics but its been worth it, said Hatfield. “I’m from Nashville and to have moved up here to this small community who loves each other has really been a great experience. The support here is unreal. I know people who I see on the street and they know who I am and they congratulate me. Its been amazing,” Hatfield said.

“I moved here my freshman year from Mississippi and its definitely been a learning experience because I was from a really small town with like 200 people,” added Paladino. “I played tennis here the last two years and my freshman and sophomore year I ran cross country. It’s been fun and I’m sure I’ll miss my high school days when I am in college. I know I will cherish the friendships I have made,” he said.

So what does the future hold for them after high school?

“I have been praying a lot lately about my education and what I should do moving forward because my education is very important to me,” said France. “ My plans after high school are to attend Tennessee Tech University to major in pre-medicine and I hope to become a radiologist one day”.

“I will attend Cumberland University on a softball scholarship and plan to major in pre-medicine. I want to be a labor and delivery nurse or something in pediatrics,” Hatfield said.

“I’ll be attending Columbia International University in South Carolina. It’s a Christian school and I will be doing a missionary program there,” said Paladino.

Before they head off to college, there are still more high school experiences for them to enjoy aside from graduation including the prom and project graduation.

“I am looking forward to the event (project graduation). I can’t wait to spend at least one more night with my fellow classmates. Its something we’ve worked hard all year for to raise enough money to play games, win prizes, and just have fun for one more time,” said France.

“If we didn’t have project graduation I think we would still be trying to do something of that nature anyhow to get our classmates together for one last night of celebration,” said Hatfield.

“I think it will just be fun to get together with my friends and just hang out,” added Paladino.

A WJLE Radiothon to raise money for the DCHS Class of 2022 Project Graduation will be Friday, April 15 (Good Friday) from 9:00 a.m. until noon. DCHS teacher John Pryor will be the host of the radiothon.

High school seniors and parents on the Project Graduation committee will be answering phones, taking pledges during the drive. Any member of the Class of 2022 is urged to stop by the station to make an appearance on the radiothon to talk about their school activities and future plans. Last year’s event raised almost $10, 600 for the 2021 Project Graduation event.

Project Graduation is an all-night drug-free, alcohol-free graduation party for members of the DCHS Class of 2022 committed to having a safe, wholesome, yet entertaining celebration together for the last time as a class. The event begins following the graduation ceremony Friday, May 13. Call 615-597-4265 during the Radiothon to make your pledge from 9:00 a.m. until noon on Friday, April 15. Listen LIVE on FM 101.7/AM 1480 and LIVE streaming at www.wjle.com.

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