February 4, 2021
By: Dwayne Page
As part of its community outreach ministry, the Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church is again hosting a drive thru mobile food pantry sponsored by the TVA, Saturday morning February 27th 2021.
In partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank, the church plans to prepare enough food boxes to serve up to 300 families regardless of their income status, on a first come, first served basis. Second Harvest will bring in pallets of food on trucks. The food will then be off-loaded and organized in preparation for the distribution. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. Name, address, and household size are required.
Cars will line up facing north on College Street across from the Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Recipients will drive through. Please have your own box or basket for the food to be placed in. Limit 2 households per car, unless a member from each family is represented.
Others who wish to volunteer may show up Saturday or call Myra for more information at 615-597-4197.