“No Shave November” by the Smithville Police Department to be held in Memory of Margaret Judkins

October 22, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

Members of the Smithville Police Department are letting their beards grow next month for a good cause.

No-Shave November is a nationwide fundraiser for cancer awareness. This year’s observance by the Smithville Police Department will be in memory of the late Margaret Judkins, mother of Smithville Police Officer Will Judkins and all proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society.

Mrs. Judkins passed away in September.

All officers who choose to participate will make a cash donation. If anyone else would like to support the cause, contact the Police Department at 615-597-8210.

“At some point in time almost everyone will personally know someone afflicted with cancer. It is a privilege to work alongside fellow officers who care enough to try to make a difference,” said Police Chief Mark Collins.

As the participants let their beards grow, family and friends are encouraged to join the campaign and become more educated about cancer prevention, saving lives, and helping those fighting cancer.

“You will soon see some Smithville police officers that could use a shave, but it’s for a good cause,” said Captain Steven Leffew. “Many of our officers are very enthusiastic to take part in the fundraiser. I’m very proud to work beside such caring people,” he said.

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