June 2, 2019
By: Dwayne Page
Kids and grown-ups alike had a chance to meet and touch “Otis” a three month old baby opossum Saturday at Edgar Evins State Park
Otis and other wild animals were shown as part of National Trails Day at the park. The observance had an “Opossum” theme in conjunction with a ribbon cutting at the kid friendly half mile Hillside Story Book Trail featuring the new story “Anybody Home”? by Marianne Berkes and illustrated by Rebeccca Dickinson which tells the tale about Polly Possum who is looking for a home among the forest creatures where she can raise her expected babies.
M2U03001 from dwayne page on Vimeo.
Park visitors were given opossum ears to wear made by Girl Scout Troop 3094 and Andrew Webber, seasonal park ranger, introduced them to Otis.
“We rescued him about three months ago after his mother was attacked by a dog when he was really little. When opossums are first born they live in their mother’s pouch and when they get older they ride around on their mother’s back. Otis’ mother was attacked by a dog and he was the only one that survived the attack. We will have him for the rest of his life. When he is fully grown he will have about 52 teeth. He is a nocturnal animal which means he sleeps during the day and is active at night. Otis will live to be about 10-15 years old,” said Webber.