Public Awareness Event Makes Appeal For More Organ and Tissue Donors (VIEW VIDEOS HERE)

June 19, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

Did you know that by being an organ and tissue donor you may one day help save the lives of up to eight people?

In an effort to heighten awareness about the need for organ and tissue donation, John Cunningham of Donate Life Tennessee and County Clerk James L. (Jimmy) Poss hosted a public meeting Tuesday evening at the county complex.

Abby Malone of Brush Creek, a soon to be freshman at Gordonsville High School, delivered a speech about how a liver transplant in 2015 saved the life of her grandmother, Barbara Cantrell, just a week before Abby was born.

M2U03010 from dwayne page on Vimeo.

Abby’s parents are Sammy and Nancy Malone and her mother’s parents are Dwayne and Barbara Cantrell of Alexandria.

According to Cunningham, the current donation statistics show that more than 113,000 people in the Unites States are waiting for a life-saving organ transplant with 3,000 in Tennessee. During the fall of 2018, there were five people in DeKalb County waiting and in the overall Upper Cumberland Region, the most current data shows 68 people waiting for a life saving transplant.

“Every day 20 people die waiting for a transplant, and every 10 minutes a new name will be added to the national transplant waiting list. While statistics show most Americans support donation, many individuals believe they’re unable to donate, or are unaware of ways to register.  Although age and medical history are primary determining factors, until medical professionals evaluate a potential donor, it isn’t as simple as just ruling someone out.  If you are passionate about signing up on the registry, we strongly encourage you to do so!  You’re decision today could save a life in the future!”,” said Cunningham.

“Of the 113,000 people waiting about 80% of them need kidneys while others are waiting for a liver or heart transplant. Organs from a deceased donor can potentially save the lives of up to eight people. Organs that can be donated include the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, and intestines and in the case of tissue donation, the lives of up to 75 people can be impacted or enhanced.

“If you are getting your driver license or renewing you can register at the driver service center. If you are at a county clerk office where they do driver license renewals you can register there as well. Also at you can register to be an organ and tissue donor,” said Cunningham.

“We hope to expand these awareness events in the future and to maybe join some surrounding counties. We would like to see more involvement. It would be nice to have people actually on the organ donor list to get involved to share their need and their stories to help bring more people out and from the donors’ side, those families are equally as important because they have already made those decisions and are benefitting these recipients who are waiting. We just need more people to join us in spreading the word how important it is that more people become organ and tissue donors,” said County Clerk Poss.

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