Rose Resists Arrest After Being Caught Shoplifting

March 2, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

A Smithville man who resisted arrest after being caught trying to shoplift at Walmart will make a court appearance this week.

35 year old Michael Pierre Rose of 167 Kings Court Circle was arrested on February 22 for violation of probation, resisting stop, frisk, halt, arrest, or search and he was cited for theft of property.

Smithville Police responded to Walmart in reference to a shoplifter. Store video surveillance showed Rose concealing underneath his jacket an RCA Tablet DVD Combo. The officer found Rose inside a bathroom at Walmart where he was trying to flush the tablet’s plastic packaging. The tablet was stuffed in the toilet paper dispenser. A computer check with central dispatch revealed active warrants against Rose. When the officer ordered him to stand to be handcuffed, Rose actively resisted and he initially refused to be seated in the patrol car. Bond for Rose is $2,500 and his court date is March 4.

31 year old Jared Wayne Taylor of 625 Restview Avenue was arrested on February 22 for domestic assault. Police were called to Taylor’s home due to a domestic complaint. Upon arrival the officer learned that Taylor and the victim had gotten into an argument and when Taylor was ordered to leave, the victim followed him outside fearing Taylor would do something to his truck. Taylor then took a full can of Mountain Dew and threw it hitting the victim above the right eye causing a gash that required stitches. Bond for Taylor is $1,500 and his court date is March 12.

44 year old Darrell Wayne Crook of 104 Oak Street was arrested on February 23 for violation of bond conditions and resisting arrest. Police responded to 307 South 3rd Street due to a disturbance call. Upon arrival the officer spoke with the victim and Crook, who is under bond conditions from December 26. As the officer tried to take him into custody for violation of the bond conditions, Crook resisted being handcuffed. Police were forced to take Crook to the ground in order to place him in custody. Bond for Crook is $4,500 and his court date is March 12.

51 year old Michael Lynn Vance of 625 Highland Street was arrested on February 23 for public intoxication. Police responded to 624 South Mountain Street due to a man laying in the yard of the residence. Upon arrival the officer confronted the man, Vance, who after standing was unsteady on his feet. His speech was slurred and he had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person. Vance was placed under arrest for his safety and that of the public. His court date is March 12.

33 year old Cory Wade Foster of Harriman was arrested on February 25 for public intoxication. Police were called to the area of Morgan Drive due to an unwanted guest. Upon arrival the officer confronted Foster who was standing outside near the road. Foster had in his possession an open bottle of liquor and he had the smell of alcohol on his person and breath. Foster’s speech was slurred and he was upset and yelling. Foster was taken into custody for his safety and that of the public. Bond for Foster is $2,500 and his court date is March 12.

43 year old Anna Swiney Warren of 403 Whaley Street was arrested on February 28 for violation of probation and she was cited for driving on a suspended license and on roadways laned for traffic. Police spotted Warren’s vehicle and conducted a traffic stop after observing her crossing over the double yellow line on Miller Road. A computer check with central dispatch revealed that her license were suspended and that she had active warrants against her. Warren’s court date is March 12.

46 year old Jason Newby of 586 Hayes Street was cited on February 27 for a dog at large. According to Police, Newby allowed his Pit Bull mix to run at large and while the dog was on the loose it bit a woman who had walked by Newby’s house. Neighbors had previously expressed concern about Newby’s dogs getting loose and Animal Control has been to his residence several times. Bond for Newby is March 20.

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