Should the county post a speed limit on Evins Mill Road?

March 23, 2024
By: Dwayne Page

Should the county post a speed limit on Evins Mill Road?

During Thursday night’s committee of the whole meeting of the county commission 3rd district commissioner Tony Luna said he was asked to present a request for a posted speed limit on Evins Mill Road because several dogs have been hit by motorists there within the last month in the same area. The issue may be discussed at Monday night’s monthly county commission meeting.

“On Evins Mill Road from Highway 70 five dogs have been killed within the last 30 days. One had been on a leash. I have had multiple requests from the public wanting to know if we could put up a 45 mile per hour speed limit there,” said Commissioner Luna.

Deb Young, who lives on Evins Mill Road and is among neighbors who have recently had a dog run over and killed, said motorists travel much too fast on that road and she would like to see a posted speed limit there, perhaps even as low as 35 or 40, because its not only a safety concern for animals but children and adults as well.

“You wouldn’t believe how fast they drive on that road. We live in the third house on the left (from Highway 70) and they are flying by the time they get to our house and going down to the stop sign (to Highway 70) its just insane. I don’t see how they stop in time. What gets me is that they don’t even stop (after hitting a dog). They don’t even care. There are kids that play in their front yard and the bus stop is right in front of our house and they don’t even slow down for it and if they are going so fast that they don’t even want to stop after hitting a dog, what are they going to do if they hit a child,” said Young.

Under state law, the speed limit on any county road is 55 miles per hour unless the county designates a reduced speed limit posting.

The law states that “The legislative body of any county, except the legislative bodies of any counties having a commission form of government, has the power to prescribe such lower speed limits as it may deem appropriate on any road being maintained by the county and shall erect appropriate signs and traffic signals. In those counties having a commission form of government, the board of commissioners has the power prescribed in this section”.

Some say while posted speed limits can be a deterrent to speeding, enforcement is difficult.

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