(UPDATED) Smithville Aldermen Fail to Pass Resolution Seeking Statewide Mask Mandate (View video here)

January 4, 2021
By: Dwayne Page

A resolution calling on Governor Bill Lee and the state legislature to issue a statewide mask mandate due to COVID-19 was up for passage by the Smithville Aldermen Monday night during their regular monthly meeting but it did not have enough support

Alderman Shawn Jacobs moved that the resolution be adopted but the motion died for the lack of a second.

The county commission last Monday night adopted the same resolution urging the governor and legislature to act.

(View the discussion and other business transacted in the WJLE facebook post at the link below)

“I am just trying to save lives. I think it (wearing masks) is a very minor inconvenience,” said Alderman Jacobs.. “We’re southerners. We don’t like to be told what to do. We like our freedom but there are lives at stake. The most compelling fact I could show you is that 39 have been hospitalized in DeKalb County and 33 have died (since March) and there is a 24.3%  positivity rate which is incredible to me. We have had 322 cases since December 22 and they are predicting the surge from the holidays not to hit for another week or two. There are a lot of reasons to pass it (resolution).  ICU’s across the state are full. Statistics and science don’t lie and most science is pointing in the direction that wearing masks help,” said Alderman Jacobs.

Mayor Josh Miller said while he is not opposed to anyone wearing  a mask due to COVID he has concerns about urging the governor to issue a mandate.

“I have nothing against masks. If you see me out at the stores more times than not you will see me wearing a mask but I do feel like a mask mandate would possibly make people have some false security. I do not think people are going to start magically wearing a mask when they hear that word mandate. I am in no way encouraging a reckless lifestyle. I think it is very important that we take necessary precautions. When my family goes out to eat usually we try to pick a time when the crowd is not as up (large). This is just the way I feel. If we are going to ask for a mask mandate from the governor I also feel like we need to ask for him to mandate better eating, exercising , and taking vitamins because I don’t hear a whole lot about that,” said Mayor Miller.

“My concern with sending a resolution is it doesn’t really do anything and if it does convince the governor, which is unlikely,  to issue a mask mandate or seek the support of the legislature in issuing one then we are at their whim as to what that means,” said Alderman Brandon Cox.

“We’re also almost a year into this thing (pandemic) and we are talking about a mask mandate when people are now getting vaccinated. I don’t know what this (resolution) actually does. I’m trying to get to the point of what are we actually doing with this resolution. It’s not like we’re sending this to the governor and he is going to write us a letter back. If you take it to its logical conclusion and let’s say he does issue a mask mandate we have to think of who is going to enforce these things and what enforcement mechanisms are there. Are we going to ask our officers to shake people down and force them to wear a mask, ”asked Alderman Cox.

“That is what Nashville is doing especially on lower broad. I don’t know if they are issuing citations. I assume that might be left up to us but it might be mandated by the governor.  At this point in the 85 counties where the governor has the authority to issue a mask mandate sheriffs have been given the responsibility of enforcing that mask mandate but some of the sheriff’s are not doing that. It’s their call,” said Alderman Jacobs.

“Are we also going to put it on private businesses to enforce it. A lot of the businesses already have them (mask mandates),” asked Cox.

“I personally think that is what we ought to do. I think every private business ought to require masks,” responded Jacobs.

“The question is do we want to put business owners against customers and require them to enforce our decision or the state’s decision. There are statistics that say it (wearing masks) helps  but there are a lot of people who have taken all these precautions and still get it (COVID) and no matter if we mandated it or not there are going to be people who will not wear a mask,” added Alderman Cox.

“We know we are not going to get 100%  but we are just hoping more people will (wear a mask). I am not sure we as a board even have the authority ourselves to require a mask mandate. The governor has given that (authority) only to county mayors. This board itself can’t do that. I am just trying to save lives. I think it is a very minor inconvenience,” said Alderman Jacobs.

“I feel like it is a slippery slope. If its masks this time. What will it be next time?. I am for keeping yourself safe. I spend a lot of money on vitamins each month for my family. Everyone has the right to take the precautions they feel warranted and to take this seriously. We have loved ones who are sick but this mandate just feels like a slippery slope to me. I don’t feel comfortable with this verbage but I am for saving lives,” said Alderman Beth Chandler.

The proposed resolution, which the aldermen DID NOT adopt, is as follows:

The resolution states that “Whereas, the State of Tennessee has been identified as having the highest per capita outbreak of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the United States; and

Whereas, the CDC has identified mask wearing as an effective way to prevent the spread of COVID-19; and

Whereas, a majority of the members of the Smithville City Council support a statewide mask mandate; and

Whereas, members of the Smithville City Council support rewarding individuals and entities that abide by the mask mandate as an effective means of gaining compliance;

Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the members of the  Board of Smithville Mayor and Aldermen urge Governor Bill Lee, State Senator Mark Pody, State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver, and State Representative Clark Boyd to support a statewide mask mandate until the CDC recommends that wearing a mask is no longer recommended.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the  Smithville Board of Mayor and Aldermen and that a copy be sent to Governor Bill Lee, State Senator Mark Pody, State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver, and State Representative Clark Boyd”.

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