Smithville Elementary Accelerated Reader Winners

May 18, 2021

Throughout the school year, Smithville Elementary students participate in the Accelerated Reader, or AR, program. AR is a computer program that tests students after they read a book of their choice. Children pick a book at their own reading level and read at their own pace. When finished, the child takes a short quiz on the computer. Students earn points for each quiz that is passed, and there are 3 levels of prizes they can earn throughout the year based on the number of AR points they earn.

This year, Smithville Elementary students took a total of 4,770 AR quizzes, and read 3,061,045 words! Throughout the year students were awarded various prizes for earning points, and there were also drawings each month for prizes for students who made a 100 on a quiz that month.

There were 21 students who earned the top level 3 prize, and the top two highest AR point earners in the school earned the opportunity to spend the day as Principal and Assistant Principal. Caroline Farmer, from Mrs. Bethany Rigsby’s 2nd grade, spent a day as Principal for earning the most AR points this year. Braxton Poss, a student in Mrs. Janet Trapp’s class, was the second highest point earner and he served as the Assistant Principal for a day. We are very proud of all of our students for their hard work on the AR program this year.

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