May 24, 2021
With the help of Maria Perez from Fiesta Jalisco, Smithville Elementary celebrated its teachers and retirees on Wednesday, May 19. Fiesta Jalisco provided an outstanding luncheon enjoyed by all and everyone joined in to wish the veteran staff members a fond farewell and congratulations as they embark on their new journey. Smithville Elementary would like to recognize and honor the following staff who are retiring: Mrs. Betty Griffith, Mrs. Amelia Phillips, Mrs. Leanne Frasier, and Mrs. Rhonda Pelham.
During her time at SES, Mrs. Betty (paraprofessional) supported and assisted teachers and students in various grade levels with any task that was requested. Mrs. Amelia (cafeteria service worker) is known for her amazing meatloaf recipe (which she will not share) and for her dedication to ensure that all students were fed each and every day at SES. Mrs. Leanne (library assistant) has assisted in the libraries at SES and NES, where she provided support to the librarian and students. Lastly, Mrs. Rhonda Pelham (school secretary) has dedicated the last 30 years of her life to the students and staff at SES and is known by all as the face and voice of SES.
Through many years of changes in administration, staff, and students, these ladies have been the constant and each one has made positive contributions to the lives of many generations of children at Smithville Elementary. Their impact will be felt for years to come and they will ALL be greatly missed. Mrs. Betty, Mrs. Leanne, Mrs. Amelia, and Mrs. Rhonda…Smithville Elementary loves you and always remember, “Once a Wildcat, ALWAYS a Wildcat!”
*Attached photo, left to right: Betty Griffith, Amelia Phillips, Leanne Frasier, and Rhonda Pelham