April 30, 2020
By: Dwayne Page
Its graduation time at LBJ& C Smithville Head Start Center but the Class of 2020 will be recognized in a different manner from those of prior years due to COVID-19.
Instead of a ceremony for the children, teachers, and parents at the county complex, this year’s head start graduation will take the form of a drive through on Wednesday, May 6 from 10 a.m. until 12 noon at the center on Kimberly Lane.
“We will have staff members positioned six feet apart for social distancing as the parents drive through with their children. I will hand out to the students their completion ribbons, a staff member will pass out graduation hats to those moving on to kindergarten, and teachers will present their diplomas along with any needed art supplies, homework packets, and personal belongings left at the school since the closure of the center several weeks ago,” said Director Cathy Shehane.
“It will be an emotional time for us but it gives us an opportunity do a welfare check on the students, ask how they are doing, and get to see their whole families again. We love all our students and their families,” added Shehane.