October 19, 2020
By: Dwayne Page
For more than 20 years the Snow Hill Baptist Church has been feeding the community with boxes of food every other Sunday in conjunction with Second Harvest.
Due to COVID-19, the church currently conducts the food ministry in drive thru fashion rather than in-house. Persons needing a box of food simply line up in their automobiles on Snow Hill Road and into the church driveway and begin filing through once the distribution begins.
“We have a drive up every other Sunday and it starts at 1:30 p.m.,” said Pastor Todd Pack. “We get the food through Second Harvest. We pick it up on Thursday at the Farmers Market location and then we bring it in and pack the boxes right before we give them away. Starting at 1:30 p.m. they begin filtering through and we give out food boxes until the last one is gone,” said Pack.
Each box contains whatever the church can get through Second Harvest including breads, vegetables, fruits, desserts, and sometimes milk and frozen meats.
No income limits are required but those being served are asked to sign up as per Second Harvest guidelines.
Patty Hale, member of the church, said the food ministry has been a labor of love for the congregation for more than two decades.
“This is a ministry our former pastor Steve Puckett started. He had brought this from the church where he previously attended before becoming our pastor. We were one of the first food ministries we know of in DeKalb County and we’ve been doing it now for over 20 years,” said Hale.
After the COVID pandemic, the church plans to return to distributing the food from inside the church where those being served come in and attend a brief church service before leaving with their food boxes.
Because of the popularity of the food ministry, the church has seen people from throughout the community come through at one time or another and even from outside the county. “ The last one two weeks ago we probably had about 60 cars come through,” said Pack.
“We have had some from Warren County and even from Watertown come in before,” added Hale.
If you would like to support the Snow Hill Baptist Church food ministry or volunteer call Patty Hale at 615-464-7492 and leave a message or call Ronnie and Judy Redmon at 615-597-6240.
The next drive thru distribution is set for Sunday, November 1 at 1:30 p.m.
“Our mission through this food ministry is to be the hands and feet of Christ,” said Pastor Pack