State Creates New Judgeship in 13th Judicial District

May 6, 2023
By: Dwayne Page

Another Circuit Court judge position is being added to the 13th Judicial District this fall.

According to State Representative Michael Hale, the Tennessee General Assembly has adopted and sent to the Governor legislation creating an additional trial court in the 13th, 22nd and 23rd judicial districts and two additional trial court judges in the 19th judicial district.

The 13th judicial district is made up of Clay, Cumberland, DeKalb, Overton, Pickett, Putnam, and White Counties. Judges currently serving in the district are Republicans Chancellor-Ronald Thurman , Circuit Court Judge Part I- William T. “Will” Ridley, Circuit Court Judge Part II- Caroline E. Knight, Criminal Court Judge Part I- Gary S. McKenzie, and Criminal Court Judge Part II-Wesley Bray.

The legislation (HB 0905 and companion SB1420) concerning the 13th judicial district states as follows:

“Effective September 1, 2023, there is created in the thirteenth judicial district one (1) additional circuit court to be designated as part III. The governor shall appoint a person to serve as judge of part III of the circuit court, and the person so appointed shall serve in that capacity until September 1, 2024, or until the person’s successor is elected and qualified. At the August 2024 general election, the qualified voters of the thirteenth judicial district shall elect, in accordance with § 16-2-505, one (1) person to serve as judge of part III of the circuit court created by this section. The person so elected at the August 2024 election shall hold office until September 1, 2030, or until the person’s successor is elected and qualified. Thereafter, the judge of part III of the circuit court shall be elected for a full eight-year term”.

According to the fiscal impact of the legislation, the salary and benefits for each new judge position is estimated to be $251,881 ($204,600 salary plus $47,281 benefits). Additionally, each of these positions will require recurring funding for supplies, legal subscriptions, rent, etc, estimated to be $33,800 per position.

Pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 16-2-505 (c), upon the election of a judicial district judge, a secretary position is created for that judge. This analysis assumes the secretary will be hired upon the appointment of the judge by the Governor. The salary and benefits for each secretary position is estimated to be $63,185 ($47,900 salary plus $15,285 benefits).

Additionally, each judge position will require recurring funding for travel estimated to be $4,500 per position.

The one time increase in state expenditures in the FY 23-24 budget associated with each of these created judge positions is $28,000 ($18,000 furniture and office set up plus $10,000 for computer and online software.

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