Teens Learn to Cook during 4-H Adventures in the Kitchen Day Camp (VIEW VIDEO HERE)

June 21, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

4-H’ers spent part of the day Friday in the kitchen at the county complex whipping up yogurt parfaits, omelettes, Quesadillas, among other treats.

The kids were learning how to cook and prepare delicious entrees as part of a 4-H Day Camp called “4-H Adventures in the Kitchen”.

“They are learning a lot of basic cooking skills, nutrition, and incorporating a few physical activities into the lesson. We did trail mix this morning and now we’re doing yogurt parfaits. Our next lesson is going to be omelettes and Quesadillas. They will be eating lots of good healthy food all day long. We have one gentlemen here who has only eaten bananas out of the fruit groups so we’re trying to encourage him to try strawberries or something different,” said Dr. April Martin, UT/TSU Extension Agent.

IMG_7391 from dwayne page on Vimeo.

This 4-H Day Camp is made possible through Tennessee Nutrition and Consumer Educational Program grant funds.

Teens participating were Megan Price, Lily Martin, Jaden Johnson, Hunter Buchanan, Caroline Butler, Brianna Carr, Kiana Driver, Lilly Fox, Sam Harris, Carol Shinkle, and Tonya Goff

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