Bring Home a New Puppy in Time for Halloween (View video here)

October 22, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

With Halloween just days away how about treating yourself and family to a new puppy from the DeKalb Animal Coalition?

Come meet Sarah, Mary, and Winnie, the WJLE/DeKalb Animal Coalition featured Pets of the Week.

Meet Puppies Mary, Sarah, and Winnie from dwayne page on Vimeo.

“These three gals are seven weeks old. They are Beagle/Feist mixed and we named them after the witches in the Hocus Pocus movie just in time for Halloween. The last of a litter of seven, they are waiting on their perfect new homes. We guess they will be about 30 pounds when full grown,” said Shelter Director Megan Moore.

Stop by or call to learn how you can adopt one or all of them.

The shelter is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 12pm-4pm and Saturday 10am-12pm. and the telephone number is 615-597-3647 (DOGS). Also visit facebook and instagram .

Located at 186 Transfer Station Road behind Tenneco Automotive.

Meanwhile, a Volunteer Orientation will be held at the shelter on Saturday, November 2 from noon until 1 p.m. The class will last 45 minutes.

“We will be outdoors for some of the class so dress accordingly. The class will go over how to properly open and close kennels and safely get animals in and out to play,” said Shelter employee Emmaly Bennett.

If you want to participate just visit the DeKalb Animal Coalition facebook page under events and mark that you plan to attend.

WJLE Radio