March 16, 2021
Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability (UCAAAD) is now offering application assistance with “SNAP”, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program for adults 60 and over or individuals with a disability. The USDA created SNAP to provide eligible individuals with monthly benefits to buy food.
According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), SNAP is a good investment and can improve health outcomes of food insecure seniors. SNAP stimulates the economy with every $1 in additional SNAP benefits generates $1.73 in local economic activity.
The Upper Cumberland region includes Cannon, Clay, Cumberland, DeKalb, Fentress, Jackson, Macon, Overton, Pickett, Putnam, Smith, Van Buren, Warren, White counties. If you know someone 60 and over or an individual with a disability, they may qualify for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
Applicants 60 and over or an individual with a disability can now call UCAAAD SNAP Benefits Coordinator, Miranda Malin, at 931-319-7991 for free and confidential application assistance.
About the Upper Cumberland Development District: The Upper Cumberland Development District provides regional planning and assistance to the 14-county Upper Cumberland region to promote economic growth and community enhancement. Find UCDD on the web at and at