Waterfall Tour by Friends of Edgar Evins State Park Coming March 23

February 6, 2019

Reservations are now open for the March 23rd Annual Waterfall Tour by Friends of Edgar Evins State Park. The fee is $15 per person, Visa or Mastercard accepted. Reservations may be made though the website at www.foeesp.com/waterfall-tour This is a fundraiser by the all-volunteer Friends group and the proceeds will benefit the park. For help making reservations you may phone the park office at (931) 646-3080 or toll free1-800-250-8619 for contact information for a member of the Friends group who will be able to assist you.

Meet at Edgar Evins State Park’s office by 8 A.M. Ride a school bus from Edgar Evins State Park to Rock Island State Park to visit Great Falls and Twin Falls, then on to Cumberland Mountain State Park for lunch before going on to Ozone Falls State Natural Area. Walks will be short and will not be strenuous but will be on rocky and uneven ground. You may wish to take a cane or hiking stick as well as a camera. The total distance traveled will be about 200 miles with an expected return to Edgar Evins State Park by 4:00 P.M. In addition to the $15 tour fee, attendees will pay for their own lunch from the buffet in the restaurant at Cumberland Mountain State Park (approximately $10.) There will be an opportunity to shop in the park’s gift store as well as touring the small new museum. Details as they develop will be posted on the Friends website at www.foeesp.com/waterfall-tour and www.facebook.com/friendsofeesp

If you wish to make this an overnight or weekend outing please phone the park office at (931) 646-3080 or toll free1-800-250-8619 to inquire about cabins or camping.

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