November 4, 2019
By: Dwayne Page
Should a portion of West Main be made a one way street for diagonal parking in the downtown business district?
Mayor Josh Miller and some business owners on that street seem to think so.
During Monday night’s regular monthly meeting, Mayor Miller asked the aldermen to consider the move after the planning commission takes a look at it in order to create more customer parking spaces for downtown businesses. If approved the portion of West Main Street from the public square to the intersection of South College Street at the flashing traffic light would become one way (westbound only). Two other downtown streets are already one way including West Walnut Street (westbound) and West Market Street (eastbound).
Mayor Miller said downtown Smithville is growing with more businesses moving in and the city needs to help them.
“I was approached by some business owners on that street about this and when someone brings something to me I think its our obligation to look into these things. I definitely think there is a problem with (enough) parking around the square in general. We have a lot of businesses on West Main Street and we have two more businesses moving in within the next couple of weeks,” said Mayor Miller.
“The proposal I would like to see happen is to make West Main a one way street with diagonal parking on one side. Public works went out last week and measured the road. We were hoping to be able to put diagonal parking on both sides of the road but after doing a lot of measuring it wouldn’t work. But we could probably add twelve parking spaces on West Main if we made it a one way street,” Mayor Miller continued.
Although they are more narrow than West Main, Mayor Miller said diagonal parking might also be considered for both Walnut and Market Streets. “Someone asked if we could be make diagonal parking on Walnut and Market Streets. I don’t know why we couldn’t. I think any more parking is just going to be a plus. I think we need to try and take care of these business owners,” added Mayor Miller.
Although he backs the move and so do most business owners who would be affected, Mayor Miller said support for it is not unanimous. “I am 100% for this and so are the majority of business owners on West Main but not everyone. Those who are for it want to know when we can get started,” said the mayor.
Miller said the city’s planner has advised taking the issue before the planning commission before moving forward. “I spoke with our planner Tommy Lee today (Monday). I wanted to make sure everybody was on the same page. He told me that we probably at least needed to run this by the planning commission”.
Alderman Brandon Cox said he also thinks the aldermen should do a little more thinking on this before taking action
“It’s a big change. I have had discussions with some people who have concerns about making West Main outbound from the square one way because if you are coming toward the square on West Main Street and you come to the flashing light then the only way you can enter the square is to take a right at the light and then left onto Market Street unless you go left and come down by Gayla’s (Hendrix) law office. I think it needs more of a look before we say let’s do it,” said Alderman Cox.
The planning commission’s role is to consider issues and make non-binding recommendations either for or against to the city council but the mayor and aldermen have the final say.
Meanwhile Mayor Miller said the city needs to better mark other downtown streets. “We need to mark the streets better. I sit in my office and see people go around the courthouse the wrong way. Downtown needs to be concern of ours,” he said.