Woman sends text looking to buy drugs unaware that she messaged sheriff’s department detective

March 15, 2021
By: Dwayne Page

A text message from a woman looking to buy methamphetamine led to her arrest Sunday.

37 year old Ashley Nichole Owen of Twilla Lane, Smithville is charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to manufacture, sell or deliver and possession of methamphetamine with intent to manufacture, sell or deliver. Her bond totals $10,000. She is also charged with a violation of probation.

Sheriff Patrick Ray said that on Sunday, March 14 Owen sent a text unaware that the message went to a sheriff’s department cell phone issued to a detective. In the message, Owen asked to purchase some meth.

After receiving the message, the sheriff’s department organized an undercover “reverse drug” investigation and arranged a meeting with Owen.

Not knowing he was an officer, Owen handed a Sheriff’s Department Captain $100 to purchase what she thought was methamphetamine, but in reality, it was a fake narcotic. She was then placed under arrest.

Owen’s court date on the drug charges is April 22.

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